Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hemingway's Writing and Some Major Features

Iceberg Theory-

Ernest Hemingway's 'The Iceberg Theory' describes the symbolic interpretations of a form of art. As a writer he had opted for this technique where he would write a surface story that omits the hidden point of the story. To apply this technique, an author has to omit the items that are already stated or the figures of speech or facts that seem too obvious. This technique make the readers compelled to think, understand, and really delve into the writing to understand the whole story.

Hemingway applied this technique because he used to believe that true meaning of a literary work should not be understood completely from the surface story. He believed that the heart of the story is to remain below the surface. In one of his writings he says-

"If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water" (Death in the Afternoon)

Code Hero/ Hemingway Hero-

The basic concept of the 'Hemingway Hero' came as an outcome of the First World War. The American man suddenly realized that the old concepts and values or other ethics of the western world had not served to save the mankind from all the catastrophic results of the WWI. After this realization many sensitive, especially young writers began to look for a completely new set of values to replace the old ones after the War. Hemingway was one of these seekers. His search had resulted in a new sense of beliefs that reflected through his writings and through his heroes. Hemingway defines the "Code Hero" this way- "a man who lives correctly, following the ideals of honor, courage and endurance in a world that is sometimes chaotic, often stressful, and always painful."

The Hemingway Hero generally abided by a set of general principles. He can be said to be a "man's man". His characteristics generally included- heavy drinking, womanzing nature, involving in multiple love affairs, participating in hunting, enjoying bullfights. He was involved in all those 'manly' activities that a typical American man did not participate in.

Cubist Style/ Cubism-

Cubism is a form of art from the early 20th-century that is said to be pioneered originally by Picasso and Braque. This became a revolutionary technique in European painting and sculpture. This also inspired literature, music as well as architecture afterwards. In cubism, an object of art is analyzed, broken up and reassembled in various abstracted forms. This way a subject can be interpreted from a multiple point of views rather than depicting it only from a single point of view. Gertrude Stein was one of those people of the time who had been influenced by this form. Both Stein and her brother were important influences on Cubism themselves. In reading Hemingway, the concept of Cubism is important.

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