Saturday, September 22, 2012

Don't call Tim Allen 'sensitive'

Funnyman Tim Allen sounds pretty serious these days.

"Oh, please, don't say sensitive," he tells AARP The Magazine. It will kill my image!"

The actor/comedian, 59, who stars in ABC sitcom Last Man Standing (returning in November) and currently has a new stand-up act playing in Las Vegas, has been sober for 14 years. In 2006, he married Jane Hajduk, 45, and their daughter, Elizabeth, is now 3. (He has another daughter, Katherine, 23, from a previous marriage.)

"It's so different this time around," he says of his home life. "I used to live an isolated existence, even in relationships, but now my family knows me for who I really am. Mostly, that's a good thing."
He adds, "Yesterday I was swimming with my 3-year-old, and I looked up and thought, 'How wonderful this world is.' "
Allen is a deeply spiritual person, according to the AARP profile. He reads widely across religious disciplines and goes to church most Sundays.
"Most human beings are disengaged all day, every day," Allen explains. "You're doing one thing, but you're thinking about your dry cleaning or 'I've got this on Friday.' I suggest it to everybody, to engage as much as you can in life. It takes energy. God knows I'm not the Dalai Lama, but if you're not careful and don't find your center point, you end up sorta drifting through life sideways."
After a drunken driving arrest in 1997 led to rehab, he had an awakening. "What I wanted more than anything was clarity, and I still do. That's what I appreciate about spending time with older people. My wife and I have befriended couples in their 70s, 80s and 90s, and they're so clear about who they are. They teach us humility and gentleness. Maybe their bodies don't work the way they once did, but they're right there. That's how I want to be as I get older. You don't want the end to come and say, รข??I wished I'd loved more, I wish I smelled more roses.' You have to do that now."
Along with collecting cars (he owns about 30), one of his new passions is motorcycles. "I always wondered about those high-speed turns where the bike lays down almost on its side. I'm really close to achieving that."

View the original article here

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